Live to discuss the Green Party of Quebec's position on the legalization of cannabis.
Small and medium-sized businesses should have the right to start up cannabis production and distribution businesses after obtaining a permit rather than the government monopoly proposed by the Quebec National Assembly.
A regulated, but not over-regulated...
Demonstration against the proposed nuclear waste dump project at a site one kilometre from the Ottawa River.
If the project goes ahead, the portable water of thousands of Quebecers and Ontarians will be at risk of long-term contamination.
Alex Tyrrell, Quebec Greens Organize Information Night on Chalk River Nuclear Storage Dump Proposal
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Alex Tyrrell and Quebec Greens organize information session about the proposed construction of a nuclear waste dump just 1km from the Ottawa River. The Green Party opposes the storage facility because the risk level is too high.
PCB Spill: Alex Tyrrell Reveals Point-Claire Pressured Health Official To Minimize Risk Analysis
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This week, I called into question the credibility of Montreal public health official Monique Beausoleil.
Ms. Beausoleil is Pointe-Claire's go to experts on the health impacts of the PCB spill. On March 15 2016, she released a statement: on behalf of the government that said that there was no "serious...
Live with Gigi Vaillancourt to discuss the terrible state of the Quebec healthcare system in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Quebec where a shortage of staff and poor working conditions have made preserving rural health services a challenge for the local population.
From The Montreal Gazette
One year and five days after Quebec Environment Minister David Heurtel ordered the work be done, the report has landed on his desk. It contains the analysis of soil near a building in Pointe-Claire, which illegally stored polychlorinated biphenyls for at least 15 years.
Tucked into the...
I will be on Global News Montreal this evening to discuss the Pointe-Claire PCB spill and to call on the minister of environment, David Hurtel to release the soil contamination report he received last week.
For the moment, this report is being kept secret. The public and local residents have...
I was at Pointe-Claire municipal council last night to press the mayor for action on the 2013 PCB spill. Unfortunately, this mayor is affiliated with the Liberal Party of Québec and refuses to criticize the provincial government mismanagement and negligence with respect to cleaning up this toxic oil spill.
I was on Global News this evening to comment on the ongoing PCB spill crisis in Pointe-Claire.
One of the residents who was also interviewed for the segment says she is considering moving her family away from the site.
Confidence in the provincial and municipal government's handling of this toxic spill...