Long before COVID-19, a crisis was already eating away at Quebec: the housing crisis. In fact, since 2019, the housing crisis has continued to worsen, especially in major cities. This housing shortage is mainly due to the increasing demand for rental housing, while the...
The Loi sur laïcité de l'État, or Bill 21, adopted on June 16, 2019 by the Quebec government, continues to be debated beyond Quebec's borders. The municipal council of Brampton, Ontario, has decided to grant 100,000$ to organizations challenging Bill 21. The...
The PVQ supports the early childhood educators who are demonstrating for better pay and calls on the government to intensify negotiations to reach an agreement as quickly as possible. The struggle of these educators is also the struggle for the future of our children and...
Rising gun-related violence among youth in the Greater Montreal area: Alex Tyrrell calls for strengthening the social safety net through funding...
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Over the past six months, there have been more than 33 shooting incidents in the north and east of Montreal. Many people have lost their lives or been seriously injured in these incidents. Many victims refuse to cooperate...
A text by Alex Tyrrell, Leader of the Quebec Green Party
Last week, I received a last-minute invitation to the Algonquins of Barriere Lake First Nation, from community members who are upset that their school is contaminated with mold and sewage....
Célébrer le mois de l’histoire des noirs c’est bien, mais poser des actes concrets c’est mieux!
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Every February, Canadians reflect on the history of Blacks in Canada and honor their many contributions to Canadian society. Black History Month is essential to living together, as it allows us to become more aware of the place of Black people in our society....
This afternoon, I took part in a demonstration against Canada's purchase of fighter jets, in front of the office of federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault in Montreal.
The federal Liberal government wants to spend $19 billion on fighter jets. The life-cycle cost will be...
For several years now, numerous media and housing rights organizations have been sharing a large volume of information highlighting the seriousness of the housing crisis across Quebec. In 2020, rents rose by 3.7 % (CMHC) across the province...
Le racisme systémique au sein de la police se poursuit au Québec
Au cours des deux dernières semaines, plusieurs cas importants de racisme au sein de la police ont été mis en lumière. Ces injustices doivent cesser. Nous devons apporter des changements systémiques aux services de police dans cette province...