Excellent day at the Sherbrooke gay parade in the company of Dodier Sylvain, candidate in Mégantic, Daphné Poulin, candidate in Granby, Mathieu Morin, candidate in Saint-François and many supporters of the Green Party of Quebec!! 😎😉🏳️🌈 https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/2139170446296239 https://www.facebook.com/notes/sylvain-dodier-politique/fier-de-c%C3%A9l%C3%A9brer-les-diversit%C3%A9s-et-den-prendre-soin/2018350561549107/?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBXWqOJh3e1wbS_-RkTD-3jv3KH3_Veu1efxcPBU_-pzYXL35jroMnYuiNFWmTpuqwmT7rZOFSZWfZH7Fuopuhn0yVkBGi1YAqoQ4Guyy58RRZYGfl_8sAJyXqWS8IXOW653aB5p2imbYj9gxfBxOhsDbM67pzkj4ZwPQV_IsN5yHhOnzsYQwCSK7ZFTbTqThMJrAGzCZBaGgPrZOqgvRKWadwG_BwBP1hz-hp0xTXIafC3oyp1tvHXCcQCDs4Gjy3mtG8h-cMgMux7f5wzYiB67u23hbpyKYo1KwA6lFDk-w1yi08JGVscHsYaSACvPttQHQrQ6b4yEUE8r_l7DA65-g&__tn__=-RH-R https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/2139598242920126
I am in favour of opening and supporting LGBTQ youth centers across Quebec. An LGBTQ youth center is an essential part of every community. It is a place where LGBTQ teens can come to take refuge after school to meet other teens and enrich their teenage experience; a particularly difficult...
In a rare joint public appearance Alex Tyrrell and Elizabeth May march together in the 2018 Montreal Pride parade along with dozens of Green Party of Québec candidates and supporters. https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/2133295710217046 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2134238976789386&set=a.1400657033480921&type=3  
Tonight I am in front of the Russian consulate in Montreal to denounce the anti-gay laws put in place by Vladimir Putin. The actions of the Putin government are unacceptable, dictatorial, and oppressive. Repression, disrespect, and brutality towards Russia's LGBTQ community are symptoms of a drifting regime that oppresses its...
Justin Trudeau can attend as many #GayPride events as he likes but the fact of the matter is that his government continues to supply Canadian made weapons to the Saudi Arabian government despite the fact that they continue to stone members of the LGBTQ+ community to death. Source: http://wapo.st/1ZLAP1n https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/1778154799064474 https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/1778162879063666  
Alex Tyrrell spoke at the Pride parade in Quebec City. The Green Party of Quebec proposes: ✅ The establishment of LGBTQ+ youth centers across Quebec ✅ Quality sexuality education in primary schools ✅ More services for transgender individuals in the regions https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/videos/2143099849236632/ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2143150115898272&set=a.1399768723569752&type=3  
This week, the Quebec government tabled Bill 2, which, if passed without amendment, will severely limit the rights of transgender people to identify with the gender of their choice. Bill 2 stipulates that the ID card of trans people will have two gender fields. One for gender identity and one...
Today I wrote an open letter to Ms. Stéphanie Vallée, asking for changes to the new regulations governing changes to the civil status of trans people. Thank you to Gabrielle Bouchard and the Centre for Gender Advocacy. https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/1591008031112486?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBMicTiYMC18K4TCplkMPptm1jPdkgoY481T_1S7M2CCB2VRs5uMwL-psseyDe0dc9ihWr6HToaKzHUc3VN2DOAp4QY5I0xgS2A8nRxunmfntb_MQ2uk6cHSN8ZjM_AW4vlz7II1WFfmtE8DsSUz0iPp6Mc_-7nl8u77YUZECBBdxKxwI1432cnV9ujQO9Qe9iArIFgdrDHNG_9&__tn__=-R