This afternoon, I took part in a demonstration against Canada's purchase of fighter jets, in front of the office of federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault in Montreal.
The federal Liberal government wants to spend $19 billion on fighter jets. The life-cycle cost will be...
Aujourd'hui une délégation du Parti vert du Québec participe à la Marche Action Climat à Québec!
Nous souhaitons augmenter la pression sur les premiers ministres provinciaux afin qu'ils prennent des mesures concrètes lors du sommet cette semaine.
Le Canada est un des pires pays au monde en terme d'émissions de gaz...
Today I was in Saint Jean sur Richelieu with our candidate Véronique Langlois to support the citizens who oppose the cancellation of municipal referendums.
Municipal referendums, which are triggered when a certain number of signatures are obtained, allow citizens to take democratic action to stop changes in their town...
Today I took part in a demonstration by the Chinese community to denounce the racist remarks made by Québec solidaire MP Émilise Lessard-Therrien.
It's important to denounce unacceptable comments, whether they're made by individuals or parties, right or left. In...
An excellent demonstration against police brutality in Montreal North last night. The death of Jean Pierre Bony, who was shot by the SPVM while fleeing from the police and unarmed, should not go unnoticed.
The SQ investigation is neither independent nor credible. The Green Party of...
Alex Tyrrell participe à la dixième vigile annuelle pour l’enquête publique sur les femmes autochtones disparues et assassinées
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I'm at the tenth annual vigil to demand that the federal government hold a public inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women.
Ten years of vigils, marches and political rallies under the racist Harper government and absolutely nothing has changed.
Today, I took part in a demonstration against the Legault government's immigration reform.
While the students were speaking, members of far-right groups entered the crowd and started pushing people, shouting racist slogans at the very moment when the speeches...
Alex Tyrrell réfléchit à son arrestation pendant le mouvement étudiant de 2012 et accueil chaleureusement l’abolition des règlements anti-manifestations à Montréal
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Montreal's mayor has just announced that the City of Montreal will abolish its controversial anti-protest bylaw known as P-6.As someone who has already been arbitrarily arrested, searched and handcuffed for hours on two occasions during two protests, I...
Alex Tyrrell prend la parole lors d’une manifestation en faveur de la gratuité du transport en commun
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Photo: Marc Bruxelle | Dreamstime
Last night, I spoke at a demonstration for free public transit in Montreal and around the world. Free public transit is one of the best ways to fight climate change and social inequality.