Alex Tyrrell préconise une relation de nation à nation à l’occasion du 23e anniversaire de la crise d’Oka
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I'd like to take this moment to underline my support for a nation-to-nation relationship between Quebec and the First Nations.
For far too long, we have treated Quebec's First Nations with blatant disrespect. We have forcefully imposed our point of view, our...
This year, let's celebrate Canada's many accomplishments and how far we've come in the past year.
Recent events in Canadian history, from the Maple Spring of 2012 to the Idle No More movement, are signs that Canadians are beginning to rise up and...
Alex Tyrrell travelled to New Brunswick to support Aboriginal anti-hydrofracking protesters who have taken direct action to prevent the industry from exploring shale formations on their territory.
During the 2012 Quebec election campaign, Alex Tyrrell posted the following text on why not to vote for the Liberals.
- Bill 78, the attack on civil liberties and the failure to settle the student strike
Instead of having a dialogue with students, the government...