Alex Tyrrell et les membres du Parti vert ont participé à une marche historique sur le climat à Montréal avec Greta Thunberg et 500 000 personnes ! Les manifestants ont demandé aux gouvernements de prendre des mesures pour freiner les changements climatiques catastrophiques.
I commented on Emmanuel Macron's speech at the UN, the global student climate strike and Russia's ratification of the Paris Agreement on RT France.
- Last day on the west coast - To mark the end of our visit, we decided to stop by the British Columbia Supreme Court and attend the sentencing hearing of Ms. Jones, a 63-year-old mother who was arrested and charged...
April 10, 2019 - Montreal, The leader of the Green Party of Quebec is demanding the resignation of Denise Bombardier, columnist for the Journal de Montréal, because of comments made in her April 9 post titled "La haine dans les rues de Montréal" ("Hate in the streets of Montreal"). In the column in...
Alex Tyrrell ainsi que la porte-parole du Parti Vert du Québec en matière de diversité et d'inclusion et ancienne candidate Aziza Dini participent à une manifestation contre le racisme dans les rues de Montréal à la suite de l'élection de François Legault.
Alex Tyrrell speaks on the streets of Montreal during the 2019 Women's Day protest. He says much more needs to be done to achieve equality, counter rape culture and secure women's rights. The Green Party of Quebec is...
Today I took part in a demonstration by the Chinese community to denounce the racist remarks made by Québec solidaire MP Émilise Lessard-Therrien. It's important to denounce unacceptable comments, whether they're made by individuals or parties, right or left. In...
Alex Tyrrell takes part in a demonstration outside the offices of Quebec's public pension fund, calling on the institution to divest from fossil fuels, the tar sands and other extractive and unethical industries.
Today I was in Saint Jean sur Richelieu with our candidate Véronique Langlois to support the citizens who oppose the cancellation of municipal referendums. Municipal referendums, which are triggered when a certain number of signatures are obtained, allow citizens to take democratic action to stop changes in their town...