Alex Tyrrell to present a memoir at the BAPE public hearings concerning the destruction of eight lakes and nearly 160 watercourses for mining projects in the town of Fermont, not far from the Quebec-Newfoundland-Labrador border.
Yes, unfortunately you read that right....
Today in the House of Commons, Green Party MP Paul Manly (B.C.) used his first question since the election to denounce the Alberta oil sands, and more specifically the approval of the new Teck Frontier oil sands expansion project.
On behalf of environmentalists, activists and...
Alex Tyrrell sur CKUT 90.3 FM parlant des sables bitumineux de l’Alberta, de la répartition proportionnelle et du changement climatique !
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I was on CKUT 90.3 FM earlier this week to talk about the Alberta tar sands, proportional representation in Quebec and climate change!
Thanks to Ryan N. Young for inviting me on his Ecolibrium show!
Alex Tyrrell déclare la victoire alors qu’Elizabeth May révise sa position sur les sables bitumineux
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Good news! The Green Party of Canada's position on the oil sands has changed!
The official platform released today cancels the party's long-standing support for the construction of new oil sands refineries. Nor does the document mention the...
Alex Tyrrell présente une pétition demandant à Elizabeth May de s’opposer aux sables bitumineux
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Today, I submitted the petition to Elizabeth May, asking her to take a strong stand against the Alberta oil sands.
Since launching this petition in June, the Green Party of Canada has released its workforce transition plan as part of the fight against...
Alex Tyrrell visite la Première nation d’Eagle Village pour un sommet sur le projet de mine de terre rare
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This week, a DMP delegation travelled to the Eagle Village First Nation in Abitibi-Témiscamingue to attend an evening organized by numerous groups concerned about the environmental consequences of a proposed rare earths mine by the Matamec company.
The real possibility of rare earth mining in Quebec...
Alex Tyrrell lance une pétition demandant à Elizabeth May de renverser son appui à l’égard des sables bitumineux
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Today, I'm launching a petition with Green Party of Canada members from coast to coast to ask Elizabeth May to take a clear stand against the Alberta tar sands.
Continued tar sands extraction until 2050 and beyond will contribute significantly to global warming...
Very pleased to learn that Toyota has withdrawn from Matamec's rare earths mining project in Abitibi-Témiscamingue.
With the withdrawal of Toyota's investment, Matamec's financial framework is very fragile. Today, Matamec shares are trading at only a quarter of their former value...
Alex Tyrrell remercie la ministre de l’Environnement d’avoir accepté d’examiner la mine Mont-Wright
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Very pleased to have received confirmation that the Minister of the Environment, Isabelle Melançon, will mandate the BAPE to study the construction of new process water and sedimentation basins at the Mont-Wright mine in Fermont.
If the project goes ahead, it could cost us "the...