The Green Party of Quebec supports the many autonomous citizens' groups opposed to rare earth mining in Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Last week, the provincial government, under the guise of Investissement Québec, reportedly granted a subsidy of 1 M$ to the company responsible for the first project, which is still in the...
⁃ International support against tar sands - ⁃ In the next few days, I will be announcing international support from the Green Movement towards our petition asking Elizabeth May to take a firm stance against Alberta's tar sands. In recent months, Alberta Premier Jayson Kenney has...
This afternoon, Jessica Wells and I stopped by the Matamec Mining Corporation office in Témiscaming Quebec to reiterate the Quebec Green Party's opposition to their controversial rare earth mining project near Lake Kipawa. Matamec's proposed project involves the use of more...
Aujourd'hui, j'ai prononcé un discours politique sur les marches de l'Assemblée législative de l'Alberta ! En direct de l'Assemblée législative de l'Alberta pour dénoncer Jason Kenney, les sables bitumineux et l'industrie pétrolière !  
The Green Party of Quebec denounces the upcoming expansion of the Canadian Malartic gold mine, which is likely to generate 10 times more noise than recommended by BAPE. Here's a case where Philippe Couillard's Liberal government is putting the private interests of a major company ahead of those of...
For an inclusive, green and fair economy. For far too long, big business, and the wealthiest among us, have dominated the Quebec economy because of their ability to bend regulations in their favor. This domination has meant that the big oil and mining companies have been...
We arrived in Edmonton and I had time to reflect on what we saw during our three-day tour of the Alberta oil sands; they're disgusting. For far too long, we have allowed this massive industrial project to develop unchecked. We...
A visit to the Canadian Malartic gold mine in eastern Abitibi, where citizens are in court to have their health and rights respected. This open-pit mine, one of the largest in Canada, has generated billions in profits for private enterprise, but has never...
Today, the Green Party of Quebec is in Témiscamingue, to meet with residents of Lac Kipawa who are opposed to a rare earth mining project. Rare earths are a group of minerals used, among other things, to make batteries for hybrid and electric cars. While the government...