Today in the House of Commons, Green Party MP Paul Manly (B.C.) used his first question since the election to denounce the Alberta oil sands, and more specifically the approval of the new Teck Frontier oil sands expansion project. On behalf of environmentalists, activists and...
We arrived in Edmonton and I had time to reflect on what we saw during our three-day tour of the Alberta oil sands; they're disgusting. For far too long, we have allowed this massive industrial project to develop unchecked. We...
Austerity for us, gifts for them. While the Couillard government is imposing cuts on public health care, education, the environment and pensions, it is handing out huge gifts to its multinational friends in the Northern Plan. One has to wonder about their motives. According to one...
The Green Party of Quebec denounces the upcoming expansion of the Canadian Malartic gold mine, which is likely to generate 10 times more noise than recommended by BAPE. Here's a case where Philippe Couillard's Liberal government is putting the private interests of a major company ahead of those of...
The Coalition pour que le Québec ait meilleure mine, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the mining industry's environmental and social practices, has given top marks to the Green Party of Quebec's electoral platform for 2018.  
Potential justice for villagers in Ecuador, victims of extreme environmental contamination by the Chevron oil company. Throughout the world, Canadian mining companies practice a form of colonialism that aims to extract natural resources as quickly as possible, without any concern for environmental or social impacts...