- Good news! Canada's subarctic gets its first university! - Last week, the Yukon Legislative Assembly passed a bill to create Yukon University, Canada's first northern university. To top it all off, aboriginal nations will have...
We arrived in Whitehorse, Yukon, after an incredible drive through northern British Columbia and southern Yukon! Our next stop is Dawson City before setting off on the dempster route to the Arctic Circle. The southern limit of the Arctic Circle is the latitude...
- The Arctic Climate Tour is off and running! After visiting the Alberta tar sands with my good friend and ally Raymond Robinson Nehiyaw, Elder of the Pimicikamak territory in northern Manitoba, we're continuing our journey to the Arctic of Western Canada! During this...
Alex Tyrrell et les candidats du Parti Vert du Québec font campagne dans la région du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. Le groupe a visité un établissement de soins palliatifs qui était en construction et a fait plusieurs annonces. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2150268961853054&set=a.1399768723569752&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2150317228514894&set=a.1399768723569752&type=3   https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2150367925176491&set=a.1400657033480921&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/posts/2150365025176781?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBHU7WDd8jfCG9hageMsoOCBOt4e7VOkwodGvNMx33zIjyqNpV1B0Hy-cteFzoLlRexNtfR5NWndCei1DM8DqcA5X8SEE0Mn8qxBPSkoY7dAZS7HPQPkkG9EFcuNUXx3EULLj0XUJfl7Lk-TFc3BD06WfZI1LML8x6dDtfRpWZCvHl2Zg8h5ObiSI3_Bg23u3NbNtLs4henxpCxGuQPW4i5L20E8qvC1IAm414Jp_n-SBqHB7sT2q9vDwaVGCVP98xlvaxxkxHs8pMPY8DT9wnrurhAR48DLYMSqFUNo_gMtIjlb2yER_7Lx0mqxyVd5T65aXh5UTr-WRv8r9zO7ZI_FwVi&__tn__=-R    
I'm off to Gaspésie to take part in the solidarity camp against the activities of the Junex oil company! Over the next few weeks, Junex and a government fund for the development of NON-RENEWABLE resources (called Ressources Québec) are preparing to drill the Galt 6 well, which could require...
Excellent meeting with Gilles Routier, Interim Director of the Saguenay Native Friendship Centre! We discussed a wide range of issues, but in particular the potential closure of Quebec's only off-reserve native school. This school offers a special program for aboriginal students and parents, in order to maintain...
An excellent meeting in Saguenay this morning with the various representatives and spokespersons of environmental groups in the Saguenay Lac-Saint-Jean region, in the company of Émilianne Lépine, Vincent J. Carbonneau and Nicholas Lescarbeau! - Tommy Tremblay, Conseil régional de l'environnement et du développement durable du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean (CREDD) - Simon Gagné, EUREKO - Stéphane Fortin, Centre alternatif de déplacement urbain...
Last stop on my tour of Abitibi-Témiscamingue and the Laurentians; a visit to the Residences Stephen Jake Beaven in Montcalm, Quebec, where a coalition of local residents who financed and built a medical clinic have just learned that the provincial government won't be sending them a doctor. Quebec's regions are entitled...
A visit to the Canadian Malartic gold mine in eastern Abitibi, where citizens are in court to have their health and rights respected. This open-pit mine, one of the largest in Canada, has generated billions in profits for private enterprise, but has never...