I took part in Extinction Rébellion Québec's "Slow swarms" action in downtown Montreal today!
The climate crisis will not be solved without a mass movement, demonstrations and direct action. Let's stay mobilized!
Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec
It is time for all Canadians to take a clear stand against environmental racism and to ensure that indigenous populations are not submitted to mercury poisoning.
We are all responsible for the arrests, injunction and police brutality being unleashed against the peaceful land protectors who are on site.
In solidarity,
Alex Tyrrell Congratulates Restigouche Southeast and Mayor François Boulay On Victory Against Gastem
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I would like to offer my most sincere congratulations to François Boulay and the municipality of Restigouche Southeast for their landslide victory over Gastem oil.
In January 2013, this small Gaspesian municipality of 157 inhabitants adopted a bylaw that prohibited oil drilling within 2km of drinking water sources. The deregulation...
- Last Day on The West Coast -
To mark the end of our tour we decided to drop by the BC Supreme Court and attend a sentencing hearing for Ms Jones, a 63 year old mother who was arrested and charged with criminal contempt for participating in a protest...
Alex Tyrrell Witnesses, Speaks Out Against Police Brutality At May Day Protests in Montreal
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On Friday, May 1, 2015, a contingent of the Green Party of Quebec joined the anti-capitalist demonstration against austerity to mark World Workers' Day.
From the beginning, the police presence was extremely imposing, even military. Following a 10-minute peaceful march, SPVM and SQ police officers bombarded the demonstrators with tear...
Alex Tyrrell, Quebec Greens Organize Information Night on Chalk River Nuclear Storage Dump Proposal
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Alex Tyrrell and Quebec Greens organize information session about the proposed construction of a nuclear waste dump just 1km from the Ottawa River. The Green Party opposes the storage facility because the risk level is too high.
Today, the Montreal Police Force has completely prevented the Extinction Rébellion demonstration from taking to the streets.
The police officers outnumbered the demonstrators and some of them were heavily armed.
I condemn this police repression of the environmental movement.
Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec
Alex Tyrrell Marches In Historic Climate Protest With Greta Thunberg, Green Party Delegation
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Alex Tyrrell and Green Party members took part in a historic climate march in Montreal with Greta Thunberg and 500k people! Protestors called on governments to take action to curb catastrophic climate change.
Alex Tyrrell, Quebec Greens Endorse Campaign Against Police Use Of Rubber Bullets, Stun Grenades
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Today I am announcing the Green Party of Québec's support for the campaign "Manifester Sans Peur" (Protesting Without Fear) which aims at banning rubber bullets and stun grenades from protests.
These two types of weapons classified as "sub lethal" are part of the police crowd control arsenal throughout...