Alex Tyrrell issued the following statement on November 13, 2019 The Mayor of Montreal has just announced that the city will abolish their highly controversial anti-protest by-law known as P-6. As someone who has been arbitrarily arrested, searched and handcuffed behind...
The Legault government is out of line in attacking foreign students who, after spending years in Quebec, would like to be part of our society. It is a heartless gesture that will break up families, friendships, professional relations and destroy opportunities for many young immigrants. As I have already said, the...
Today we launched Emili Coulombe's campaign for the upcomming by-election in the Jean-Talon dictrict in Qubec City! In this campaign we will be foccusing on the need to build Green infrastructure (that's why we are wearing green hard hats!). The main infrastructure project we are campaigning for is a Metro...
Read the article on CBC The leader of the Green Party of Quebec said he's considering running to be Elizabeth May's successor and that the party needs to develop a platform that Canada's left can rally behind. While the federal Green Party leader has not confirmed that she is planning to step...
We took a few hours to volunteer planting trees in Verdun's Rapids Parc 😀 We planted 3 Mountain Maples, 3 Tamarack, 3 Striped Maples, 2 Willows and 2 Red Maples. During the election campaign Trudeau promised to plant 2 billion trees across the country! Although many have ridiculed this policy as an...
Green Party of Quebec leader Alex Tyrrell issued the following statement in response to the Kanehsatake hunger strike by Al Harrington as it enters its 14th day. "We call on the Legault government to implement a short term moratorium on development of the Kanien'keh home lands in Kanehsatake and to immediately pursue a...
We demand that Tim Hortons to maintain a supply of vegetable protein in its restaurants across Canada, that they ban single-use cups and to implement a deposit exchange program for reusable cups. Sign the petition here
Nice day on the field in Quebec City with Sandra Mara, federal Green Party candidate in Louis Saint Laurent and Daydree Vendette, Science and Innovation spokesperson for the Green Party of Quebec!
I took part in Extinction Rébellion Québec's "Slow swarms" action in downtown Montreal today! The climate crisis will not be solved without a mass movement, demonstrations and direct action. Let's stay mobilized! Alex Tyrrell Leader of the Green Party of Quebec  