Today, I wrote to Premier Legault to ask for access to the National Assembly gallery for the Green Party of Quebec. In a context where the Green Party of Quebec is the largest party not represented in the National Assembly, and where the Premier has...
Aujourd'hui, le Parti vert du Québec a participé à une dépôt de pétition à l'Assemblée nationale en compagnie des représentants de Québec Solidaire, d'Option Nationale, du Mouvement Démocratie Nouvelle et du citoyen Fernand Courchesne. Merci à tous les participants d'avoir travaillé ensemble pour cette belle cause. La réforme du mode...
Thank you to everyone who supported us at the demonstration against our exclusion from the "youth dialogue" between the leaders of Quebec's four old political parties! Three-quarters of Green Party candidates are young people. The Institut du Nouveau Monde's decision to...
I am very pleased to announce that this Friday afternoon I will be meeting with members of Justice Minister Sonia Lebel's cabinet to share with them the proposals of the Green Party of Quebec regarding the reform of Quebec's voting system and democratic institutions. For nearly...
Today I launched my campaign in the Roberval by-election! I'm running in Roberval to present Quebec's New Green Plan to the local population, to listen to their concerns and to lay the foundations for our party in the region with a view to...
- Legault breaks his promise on electoral reform - Those who have been following me for some time know that since 2014, we have worked very hard to build a consensus on the need to reform the voting system. This resulted in the signing of an agreement...
As Trudeau backtracks on electoral reform, Quebec's six opposition parties have signed an agreement in principle to introduce a regional compensatory mixed member voting system.  
While the federal committee on electoral reform strives to find a consensus on the type of democratic reform to present to Canadians, Quebec's opposition parties are working together to arrive at a common proposal before the next provincial election. In an unprecedented show of unity, the...
In order to ensure that the voting reform proposed by the CAQ increases the diversity of votes in the national assembly, I have just signed a joint letter with the leaders of the NDPQ and the Conservative Party requesting a meeting with Minister Sonia Lebel, who is responsible for the file with the...