
Today I would like to affirm my strong support for free education.

Free education is one of the best ways to ensure accessibility to education regardless of the financial resources the student has. For too long the government has tried to raise the price of education. It is this commodification of education, and the idea that education is a privilege rather than a right, that has pushed students to organize, to vote on strike mandates, and to take to the streets in the maple spring.

The idea of free education has come a long way in the last year, and as a political party that has free education firmly anchored in its platform, it is our duty to promote this administrative reform.

High tuition fees are much more in the interests of large companies that rely on a labour market filled with highly indebted new graduates.

The pricing and privatization of public services will not pass. I am firmly against the user-pay regime for essential government services.

Alex Tyrrell


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