Today I am proud to announce that I will be the candidate of the Green Party of Quebec in the Outremont by-election.
Morgan Crockett will be our candidate in the riding of Viau.
In this particular situation, the three major parties are united behind Philippe Couillard, leader of the Quebec Liberal Party. This undemocratic act by the three major parties is not surprising, as they all share the same neoliberal policies.
In our opinion, Philippe Couillard should not have a seat in the National Assembly because he will use it to continue to privatize our public health system.
The Green Party of Quebec is here to offer a credible alternative for those who are against priviitization, against the Charter of Values, against shale gas, against rising tuition fees and against rising transportation rates.
We support a united society where no one is left on the sidelines, where we all have access to quality education, public transit and public health care.
Together for our public health system,
Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec