The Green Party of Quebec supports the many groups of autonomous citizens who are opposed to the exploitation of rare earths in Abitibi-Témiscamingue.

Last week, the provincial government, under the guise of Investissement Québec, allegedly granted a $1 million subsidy to the company responsible for the first project, which is still in the planning stages.

It is deplorable that this grant was awarded before a study by the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE) was conducted.

Local citizens need support because the population density in the region is very low and the decision to proceed with the project or not is up to the provincial government. Clearly, they want to move forward as quickly as possible. The Chiefs of the two First Nations in the area, Eagle Village and Wolf Lake, first denounced the project last week.

The Rare Earths industry shares many characteristics with the uranium industry, as the extraction of both types of resources produces radioactive waste. The BAPE is currently conducting hearings in the uranium sector throughout Quebec.

The citizens of Abitibi-Témiscamingue have shown an interest in submitting briefs to the BAPE on the uranium industry. They asked that the BAPE hearings be held locally. BAPE representatives informed them just a few hours before the deadline that they had not managed to reach the minimum number of participants required for a local hearing.

They are now asking that as many citizens as possible express their intention to submit a brief to the BAPE in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region.

I have just submitted my notice of intent and I will be there to present a brief against exploitation, but we need your help.

The Green Party of Quebec will assume the transportation costs for all those who wish to participate. If you are interested, please fill out the form and submit it by email to as soon as possible (please put me in cc For those who are interested but not sure if they are available, we invite you to submit your notice of intention, as it will facilitate the holding of local hearings.

Together we will say no to uranium and rare earths mining throughout Quebec. Do not hesitate to contact me for more information.

Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec


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