
Tonight, Vincent Pouliot, Green Party candidate for the Richelieu by-election, had an excellent result at the polls!

For a second by-election in a row, we managed to surpass the number of votes cast for Option Nationale and held the line against Québec Solidaire.

Considering the financial means and the increased media coverage of the major parties, we are very proud of the result and also of the many original points that Vincent Pouliot was able to bring to the debate.

With successes such as the one we had just experienced, there is no limit to what we could accomplish together. The Green Party of Quebec is already preparing for the next general election.

To be clear, the PVQ is the largest political party not represented in the National Assembly. We may not have the same financial resources, but the message resonates within the electorate and in the years to come, with environmental problems sure to worsen and social inequalities growing, the GPQ will only get bigger.

We are moving forward, we are moving forward! We are not going backwards!

Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec


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