Today a delegation from the Green Party of Quebec is participating in the Climate Action March in Quebec City!

We want to increase the pressure on the provincial premiers to take concrete action at the summit this week.

Canada is one of the worst countries in the world in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and environmental protection.

Despite the fact that inter-provincial and international negotiations on GHG reductions are of high importance, the chances of Canadian Premiers committing to do things differently remain relatively slim.

The Green Party of Quebec is calling on the premiers to impose a major carbon tax across the country. Quebec should not receive special treatment because we have lower emissions than other provinces because of hydroelectricity.

Currently provinces such as Quebec and Ontario have chosen to play a political game by focusing on complex carbon exchange systems that lack rigour and are subject to manipulation by industry and governments.

Canada’s premiers have all the tools to reduce the country’s GHGs. If we are lucky this week, they will stop neglecting their intergenerational responsibilities and take concrete action instead of worrying about their image and their relationships within the oil industry.–JL1lxM7wIjVIzWV_DoWNnO9PaLRN3ByrST6sxA2xJE08XXhTh21fEMyKjoGVJeORWNVNVxU-ft2VZ9gZeXzVy5eSXXCRtJFNppCGquxbdAuAxy_Mjqty1o6qPKb2a1lsfLzPG2SaogCdMO-jKu2sNXeBv14o&__tn__=-R


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