Canada’s “Cultural Genocide”
The Green Party of Quebec welcomes the comments made by the chief justice of the supreme court Beverley McLachiln qualifying the treatment First Nations have received from the government at “Cultural Genocide”.
In the past this genocide has taken the form of residential schools and the criminalization of cultural traditions in an effort to take the “indian” out of each and every individual.
What is even more important is to recognize that today this cultural genocide is still present and active across the country.
At a time when aboriginal youth is the fastest growing demographic financing in healthcare and education are not up to par. First Nations youth have access to less resources per person than the rest of the population and widespread institutional racism is a reality.
Institutional racism serves to continue the cycle of poverty in First Nation communities so that the government can continue natural resource extraction without permission and without adequate compensation.
In the current context each citizen has a responsibility to oppose our government’s actions for which we are collectively responsible. The time has come to build a true Nation to Nation relationship with First Nations across the country.
Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec