Excellente soirée-débat ce soir à Saint-Henri-Saint-Anne dans le cadre de l’élection partielle du 9 novembre.
Je suis très fier de notre candidate, Jiab Zuo, qui a défendu avec conviction le programme du parti.
Les discussions ont été centrées sur les logements sociaux, les enjeux écologiques et les mesures d’austérité du Parti Libéral.
Ironiquement, les candidats du PLQ et de la CAQ n’ont pas participé à cet exercice démocratique.
Tonight I offer my sincere congratulations to Jiab Zuo and Kim Raymond for their excellent campaign in the Saint-Henri-Saint-Anne and Fabre by-elections.
Kim and Jiab managed to surpass the national average of votes obtained and doubled the GPQ’s share of the vote in their riding compared to the last elections.
Tonight’s results, as well as those of the many by-elections held since the 2014 general election, prove that the support of Quebec Green candidates can surpass that of Option nationale and Conservative Party candidates. They also show that the GPQ remains an indispensable force in Quebec politics.
Congratulations to Kim Raymond, Jiab Zuo and the entire Quebec Greens volunteer team for this victory, these results and for your dedication to environmental issues as a whole. We still have a lot of work to do but together we are building a strong and well-defined political option that resonates in unison with Quebecers.
In solidarity,
Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec