
Just returned from the Pierrefonds-Roxboro municipal council meeting where members of Sauvons l’Anse-à-l’Orme, the Green Coalition and the Sierra club Québec presented the city with over 9700 signatures of people who oppose the development of l’Anse-à-l’Orme.

Anse-à-l’Orme represents a major section of the remaining green space on the island of Montreal. The city is planning to build over 6000 residential units on this land.

One of the most alarming aspects, is that despite the fact that there is a public consultation scheduled for the project, Pierrefonds-Roxboro mayor Jim Beis is already advocating in favour of the project.

While answering a question from the public, mayor Beis responded that many « conservationists » and « other people » support the project. When I asked him who these pro development « conservationists » were he refused to provide an answer.

As it stands, the city has no plan as to how to deal with their exploding automobile numbers. Several times during the meeting the mayor spoke negatively about their existing bus lanes. He also touted the over crowded, under-served and over priced train service as a « great success story ».

This project alone will add tens of thousands of cars to the already over congested roads and highways that run through the West Island. Some of the last remaining green space on the island will be destroyed and many habitats will be fragmented.

How are we supposed to fight climate change by destroying green space and putting more private vehicles on the road?

The Green Party of Quebec is strongly opposed to this project and we look forward to participating in the upcoming round of consultations.

Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec


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