As many of you know, this morning leaked emails obtained by Ricochet Media revealed that, behind closed doors, federal Green Party leader Elizabeth May has been advocating for a boycott of the Green Party of Quebec. She has taken this position because we are the furthest left wing Green Party in the country and the only one that identifies as eco-socialist.
First of all, I have been overwhelmed and deeply humbled by the amount of support that I have received from Green Party members and supporters from across the country as well as from our brothers and sisters in the United States. Rest assured that we will continue our work of building the Green Party of Quebec into a modern, outspoken and progressive party with or without the support of Elizabeth May. While this situation may come as news to the public, we have been dealing with Ms May’s divisive back room tactics for some time now and have achieved wonderful things without her support.
Although many of you have called for Ms May’s resignation over this and other incidents I still believe that her leadership is salvageable if she chooses to do the right things. So far she has not apologized, reached out to, or announced an end to her boycott of the Green Party of Quebec.
At a time when the speed of climate change is ever increasing and environmental catastrophes are occurring all around us, we need strong leadership at the federal level in Canadian politics.
We desperately need to modernize the program of the Green Party of Canada to reflect the policies being advocated for by the environmental movement such as a total shutdown of the tar sands.
The time for petty infighting and centrist policies is behind us and it’s time to move ahead.
Going forward I am confident that the federal Green Party and it’s membership will rise to the challenge and remain relevant with or without Ms May and her inner circle at the helm.
In solidarity,
Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Québec
Last night I was informed by Ethan Cox that the Montreal offices of Ricochet Media had obtained leaked emails that reveal that behind closed doors, Elizabeth May has been advocating for a boycott of the Green Party of Québec because of our socialist policies.