Since Jean-François Lisée declared that he was ready to form an electoral alliance with the Green Party of Quebec, several people have asked me to comment on his positions on Quebec’s ecological issues.
While it is a good thing that he is now speaking out against hydraulic fracturing on Anticosti Island, we have serious doubts about his ability to defend such positions on the day the Parti Québécois forms a government.
When the PQ forms the opposition, the party is proclaiming itself to be “green”, opening the doors to electoral collaboration with other parties and trying to cooperate with environmental movements and groups by promising change in Quebec City. However, when they were in power from 2012 to 2014, Pauline Marois, Martine Oulette, Jean-François Lisée and the other MPs all supported the arrival of oil from the tar sands, the movement of supertankers on the river and even pushed the audacity to the point of using taxpayers’ money to finance hydraulic fracturing on Anticosti Island.
As a result of the pro-oil drift of the Marois government and the flip-flops of our former members Scott McKay and Daniel Breton, members of the Green Party of Quebec have lost all confidence in the Parti Québécois when it comes to defending the interests of the environmental movement.
The Parti Québécois has no credibility in the fight against climate change or environmental protection.
Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec