Today I announced my candidacy in the Verdun-Nun’s Island district! 😎✊✅
I am running in Verdun-Nun’s-Island to become the first Green Party member of Quebec’s national assembly.Verdun is an area which I know well, that is rich in diversity and that is ready for change.
It is also the riding of the minister of the environment, Isabelle Melançon. While I have a great deal of respect for Ms Melançon her record as minister of the environment has been disastrous.
Since her nomination as minister in october 2017, Ms Melançon and the government of Québec have
❌Authorised hydraulic fracturing across the province with the exception of the Vallée du Saint-Laurent
❌Attempted to expel anti fossil fuel protestors from public lands in Gaspesie
❌Gave away close to $300 million dollars of taxpayer funds as subsidies to the oil industry
I am running in Verdun to
✅Offer a concrete alternative to néoliberal policies
✅To hold the minister accountable for her actions
✅To inject much needed energy into Québec democracy with bold and forward looking propositions
The Green Party of Québec is the only left wing federalist party that is ready to get to work on implementing progressive policies without wasting our time on a third referendum on Québec independence. We are the largest party that is not represented in the National Assembly and with our great team of dynamic candidates we are the party that is best suited to represent youth, women, minority groups and all those who wish to see Quebec progress towards a more just and environmentally sustainable society.
Over the past few years, the Canadian Green movement has gained tremendous momentum across the country and particularly on the provincial level where we have elected 7 people in four provinces. That includes the most recent election of the leader of the Ontario Green Party in Guelph and the balance of power in British Columbia. Although the challenges are significant, It is time for Québec to elect its first Green MNA and I would be honored to make history by entering the National Assembly thanks to the support of the residents of Verdun and Nun’s Island. For us, nothing is impossible and I am ready to serve the people of Quebec with integrity, honesty and compassion.
We are a feminist party that fights for equality in all circumstances. We support a more equal distribution of wealth, a stronger social safety net and massive investments in the future of Quebec.
We are the only party that is sounding the alarm that the status quo is simply not sustainable on both the environmental and social fronts and that the priorities of the Quebec government need to be radically altered to put the interests of residents and the environment first.
Over the coming months I will campaign both on the ground in Verdun-Nun’s Island and across Quebec in support of our excellent team of candidates. While our party is best known for environmental activism we are more than just a colour. We have a bold and forward looking program with clearly defined positions on all the issues. Whether it is environment, social justice, a sustainable economy or a more equitable wealth distribution Green Party candidates will be speaking up loud and clear to address the issues facing our province and our generation. This election will be the opportunity for Quebecers to discover our party and our candidates in all regions of the province.
Verdun-Nun’s-Island is an area filled with potential, intelligence, compassion and determination. People are asking for better public healthcare. They want clean air, quality public transit and more affordable living.
The issue of affordable housing is close to my heart and as a tenant myself I have a first hand understanding of the struggles that people are facing. For these reasons, I am commiting to, if elected, to support housing cooperatives with important financial levers.
Let’s be clear; each and every person should have the right to live decently without spending more than 20% of their income on housing.
Every person should have the right to eat healthy food, free from pesticides and this regardless of their means to pay. This is why the Green Party of Quebec will propose widespread urban agriculture projects here in Verdun and across the province.
At the Green Party of Quebec we are ambitious, optimistic for the future and determined to make our points while bringing positive change to Quebec society. We are involved in politics by conviction and to defend the values in which we believe; something that is increasingly rare in the big parties.
In this election we are asking Quebecers to give us a chance to represent them in the National Assembly because we believe in a progressive, sustainable and more equitable future for Quebec.
In conclusion I would like to highlight that today is international refugee day and we at the Green Party of Quebec believe that the province should do more to receive and welcome refugees who are leaving situations of war, discrimination and violence. Diversity, compassion and solidarity are our strength as Quebecers. Let’s work together to build the Quebec of our dreams
Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec
Candidate in Verdun-Nun’s-Island