
– Great News! Canada’s Sub Arctic is Getting Its First University! –

Last week the Yukon Legislature passed a bill ordering the establishment of Yukon University which will become the first University in Canada’s North.

To make things even better, indigenous nations will have a meaningful role in elaborating the content of the curriculum.

When I travelled to the Arctic earlier this year, many of the locals complained that Arctic research was being planned, carried out and analyzed by people who had very little or no connection to the land. This disconnect has led many local and indigenous residents to question the merits and accuracy of Arctic research.

The creation of this university will enable Northerners to have more control and influence over Arctic research projects. It will make a significant contribution to our understanding of climate change in the Canadian North while providing high quality educational opportunities to students who do not want to, or who do not have the option of travelling south for schooling.

It’s also an excellent way to diversify the local economy.

Congratulations to the people of the Yukon, the Canadian North and to all those who took part in the effort to make this happen!

Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec


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