
Tomorrow at noon I will be making an important announcement regarding the future of my leadership campaign in light of the astronomically high, classist $50k entrance fee that the party establishment has imposed.

I will make this announcement in front of the Montreal stock exchange, in Square Victoria which was the site of the Occupy Movement protests and encampment.

Big money and politics don’t mix. The Green Party of Canada and by extension our democratic institutions and politics should not be for sale.

In solidarity,

Alex Tyrrell
Leader of the Green Party of Quebec

The Green Party of Canada should not be for sale. The party establishment has replaced the leadership race with a fundraising race.

It’s time to take the party off the auction block and stay true to our values by hosting a real grass roots, democratic leadership race that is free from manipulation by special interests, donors, the 1% and the party establishment!

I will be making an important announcement about the future of my candidacy on Wednesday at noon in Montréal in front of the stock exchange; the ultimate symbol of capitalism in my hometown.


Today I announced that I am NOT abandoning the Green Party of Canada leadership race despite the $50k entrance fee. If the Green Party establishment wants to put the party for sale then perhaps we will have to buy it!

I am launching an $80k fundraising campaign. Since the party taxes contributions made to candidates by 25% I will need to raise $80k in order to spend just $20k in the race. I invite supporters to pledge donations on my website




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