
The year 2021 has arrived and on behalf of the entire Green Party of Quebec team I would like to wish you a Happy New Year! This year will be a year of action for the Green Party of Quebec full of opportunities for our members and supporters. With the leadership question resolved (thank you so much for your support!) we can now focus our efforts on recruiting candidates and volunteers, updating our electoral platform and expanding our base. Join us in standing up for environmental protection and social justice!

2020 has not been an easy year for anyone. Social distancing has reduced our contacts and changed our lifestyles.  Although these measures are inconvenient, they are necessary to save lives. Through our collective efforts, we have enabled thousands of people to continue living. In addition, the speed with which vaccines have been produced and distributed is more than impressive! These vaccines, combined with continued adherence to health guidelines over the next few months should allow us to return to normalcy during 2021!

The end of the COVID epidemic in Quebec, the associated economic woes and the willingness of people to rethink the economy and our societal priorities will present an unprecedented opportunity to build a greener, fairer, more equitable and healthier Quebec.  In this context, the voice of the Green Party of Quebec, our members, candidates and volunteers will be extremely important in the next provincial election scheduled for October 3, 2022. Quebecers will be open to change and the Green Party of Quebec will be at the forefront with quality candidates and a dynamic, progressive and forward-thinking platform. Join us and let’s change Quebec together!

Happy New Year and thank you again for your support!

In solidarity,

Alex Tyrrell

Leader of the Green Party of Quebec


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