Launch of the GPQ 2022 electoral program: The New Green Plan for Quebec

Jeanne Decat

The Green Party of Quebec proposes a positive and daring vision for Quebec. An eco-socialist society that promotes the environment, peace, democracy, economic equity and living together in an inclusive Quebec that is open to the world.

Through our 2022 program, the New Green Plan for Quebec, the Green Party of Quebec puts forward an inclusive, promising and positive vision for the future of Quebec. A vision in which no one is left behind. A vision in which respect for the environment is at the heart of governmental orientations. A vision in which the state fights against racism, discrimination and for living together. A vision in which ordinary people can not only house themselves, but also own their homes. A vision in which world peace is a concrete goal, not a dream. A vision in which people help and support each other.

Check it out by following the link right here.


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