« Saint-Clet – The leader of the Green Party of Quebec, Alex Tyrrell, spoke Friday in Saint-Clet to introduce Kristian Solarik’s candidacy in the riding of Soulanges for the next provincial election.
Together, the Green Party representatives took a public stand on a major issue in the riding, namely the worrisome situation regarding access to health care including the construction of the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital. »
To read the rest of the article : https://www.viva-media.ca/la-voix-regionale-vaudreuil-soulanges/actualite-vs/politique-vs/provinciale-vs/le-parti-vert-du-quebec-presente-son-candidat-dans-soulanges/?fs=e&s=cl&fbclid=IwAR1KCtWMlYNMH4BF49rBn-SbsVkF1vHCXOJrpxVu9D98Je-8kNKLCgWG_bk