The leader of the Green Party of Quebec, Alex Tyrrell, spoke in Montreal on Friday, August 26, to introduce the candidacy of Valérie Védrines, the official Green Party candidate for the 2022 provincial election in the riding of Gouin. Together, they took a public stand on a very important issue for the province, namely, that of legislating certain advertising. The Green Party believes that Quebec has everything to gain by banning ads promoting SUVs, but also those promoting fossil fuel industries. The DMP also believes that stricter controls on advertising are necessary to eliminate greenwashing. It is important, for the Green Party of Quebec, that advertising is also more limited in public spaces, but also that there is more control over so-called “illuminated” advertising.
The leader of the Green Party of Quebec took the opportunity to clarify some of the party’s positions on the regulation of advertising in Quebec, including those promoting sport utility vehicles (SUVs), greenwashing and the fossil fuel industry. The Green Party of Quebec supports a plan to reduce the size of the automobile industry, and believes that it is necessary to regulate this industry by stopping the promotion of these types of vehicles Sport utility vehicles (SUVs) are the biggest sellers in Quebec. Not only do they contribute to road congestion, since they are larger vehicles, they also contribute more to GHG emissions and their manufacture represents the second largest contributor to GHG emissions, after the energy sector. For all these reasons, the Green Party of Quebec intends to ban the promotion of such vehicles through advertisements.