I strongly condemn the RCMP blockade of Wet'suwet'en traditional territory in British Columbia and the colonial system that led to this unjust injunction, which is a huge step backwards for reconciliation in Canada. I call on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to personally intervene in order...
Today in the House of Commons, Green Party MP Paul Manly (B.C.) used his first question since the election to denounce the Alberta oil sands, and more specifically the approval of the new Teck Frontier oil sands expansion project. On behalf of environmentalists, activists and...
Earlier today, Andrew Weaver announced that he is stepping down from the leadership of his party to make way for a new leader and a renewed party. Over the years, Andrew Weaver has accomplished a great deal for the BC Greens. He won...
Good news! The Green Party of Canada's position on the oil sands has changed! The official platform released today cancels the party's long-standing support for the construction of new oil sands refineries. Nor does the document mention the...
- Last day on the west coast - To mark the end of our visit, we decided to stop by the British Columbia Supreme Court and attend the sentencing hearing of Ms. Jones, a 63-year-old mother who was arrested and charged...
Alex Tyrrell a rencontré les candidates vertes Bridget Burns et Jessie Brown lors de ses voyages à Vancouver et a pris la parole lors d'un événement de campagne pour Suzanne de Montigny. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2327985437414738&set=a.1399768723569752&type=3&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCJZglKu6S-Ni2e-TvZ0rzBWhH0-hyWwJz_j6c_BXNBXQ8ElJKMy15JNsDw_v20FCd6P4IddWwRHuiSRm-o3tmviW1rHef0_vNKGAsTNtFviF9NrwEZcpRcXhwEJuH5oITpggvtURyfasfEUzJbw7s_ZqqbB1poZX-QDEpzN5Lyc-XRqDT9r9SvriKPGQEKbX04URAJdIxm1YbLzRsfS-BD_BaNnqL86Nd2FOZ71-mX4r1Yb6GLR2VX11gG78CK7FKo&__tn__=-R https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2328579957355286&set=a.1399768723569752&type=3
We visited some of Canada's oldest trees on Meares Island near Tofino, British Columbia, earlier today! Some of these trees are almost 2000 years old. In a world where most trees have been cut down several times, it's incredible that these trees...
Alex Tyrrell and Cree elder Raymond Robinson speak outside the Trans Mountain Kinder Morgan tank farm in Burnaby, B.C., declaring their solidarity with B.C.'s efforts to fight the construction of an additional pipeline. https://www.facebook.com/alex.tyrrell.92/videos/2325169771029638/
Sometimes people ask me what kind of lifestyle comes with being leader of the Green Party of Quebec? Do we travel in luxury while staying in five-star hotels? Do we dine in high-end restaurants while spending large sums on ourselves,...